Monday, June 7, 2010

First Sunday

This Sunday began early with that nervous excitement that wakes you up 10 minutes before your alarm is supposed to ring. I cooked myself some bacon, eggs, and coffee as I prepared myself for a long day at Church...

There were two services (830 & 11) and I read Scripture and assisted with communion in both and I am looking forward to participating further in services throughout the summer. I apologize that I don't currently own a camera so I have no pictures to post. Hopefully that will be remedied soon.

After the services were over I had some lunch with Pastor Jerome Smith and his family and then retired to my house for a nap and some reading so I could be back at 530 for the cook-out. Thanks to all of you who helped prepare the food and the room. The food was good (especially the homemade ice cream) and the fellowship was even better. This is an absolutely lovely community. I'm trying really hard to remember names, but please don't be offended if I need them repeated a few more times.

All in all it was a great day and I'm excited about getting to know everyone more and I'm especially looking forward to making music with people here.



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